Wednesday, 11 May 2011


The art of arrangement, style, appearance and printing of type and typefaces.

The art and technique of selecting and arranging type styles, point sizes, line lengths, line spacing, character spacing, and word spacing for typeset applications

In this weeks seminar we were set the task of looking at typogtaphy used in print and web design. Typograhpy can help in making a design great but if used wrong it can kill it intyrarly. 


• Has to work across different computer platforms and screen sizes
• The Web designer must understand issues and to address them
•Maintain some kind of control
•Line length and number of lines
•Font sizes
These are all things that need to be taken into consideration when creating a website

Serif or san sarif fonts?
For my site i will be using san serif font as i feel that it is easy to work with in web design and easyer on the eyes.

Commonly Available Sans-serif Fonts

Things to remeber 
Generally, 2 fonts are sufficient in any design. Don’t forget you can use the typeface variations (bold, italic, etc) for different content areas.
Don’t mix too many fonts in a web page.Try designing a page that uses only 1 font for all text areas.You can experiment with font colour and visual hierarchy too…